Radios An Enormously Big Deal!

Carol Meyer writes:

God took me on my first mission trip to Haiti last year. While preparing to go, our team leader Kate Michel (from Radio 4VEH/Resounding Initiative) kept talking about the solar radios we were going to be distributing and how important they were in Haiti. I’d look at the small radios and think, “What’s the big deal about a little radio?”

But God opened my eyes when I got to Haiti!

Here in the United States, in our current high-tech culture of computers, cell phones, and satellite TV, a simple AM/FM transistor radio is practically obsolete.

But not in Haiti! Walking down the hot, dusty roads in the rural villages was like stepping back in time. Families living in small one-room homes with no electricity or running water. No computers, no Internet, no TV, no daily newspaper delivered to their front door. And with adult illiteracy at nearly 80%, they couldn’t read it anyway.

All of a sudden, God opened my eyes to see what an ENORMOUSLY BIG DEAL that one small solar radio is for a family in Haiti! These small solar radios, tuned to Radio 4VEH, provide life-saving information when there’s an emergency, farming and health advice, and most importantly, programming that helps believers grow in faith and brings the Good News of Jesus to those who desperately need the Hope that only He can give!

That’s why these radios are such a big deal to families in Haiti.

Carol Meyer serves as HopeRaiser Coordinator for the Resounding Hope initiative. HopeRaisers play a key role in raising funds and support to sponsor solar radios for families in Haiti—and Carol helps other HopeRaisers with advice and resources to reach fundraising goals, get radios sponsored and send hope across Haiti. 

You can email Carol directly at and Become a HopeRaiser by using the Sign-Up form here.



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