Category: Delivering Radios

  • Jacky Faces Opposition As He Comes to Christ

    Jacky Faces Opposition As He Comes to Christ

    As our teams and local church partners in Haiti share the Gospel and give out solar radios, many people who turn from their former ways (particularly from practicing voodoo) towards Christ will face opposition from their families. Last month, Jacky made a decision that changed his life. A friend from the Evangelical Church of Vaudreuil […]

  • “Whole Families Were Coming to the Lord!”

    “Whole Families Were Coming to the Lord!”

    Barb Dowling from Faith FM, in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, is used to working in radio. But in May, she joined a team on a life-changing journey to Haiti to help distribute Resounding Hope radios (tuned to Radio 4VEH and loaded with an audio New Testament) and share the Gospel with Haitian families. In a live […]